

/2007 – present

Note: these events are as reported in publicly available sources, Joe Fain has denied the rape allegation but not commented on the other specifics reported. Dates may reflect general timeframes and orders where specific dates were not publicly reported.

May 16 2007

May 16–19, 2007 Joe Fain’s King County Council Business Trip to Washington D.C.

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Joe Fain meets Candace Faber and her parents

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May 16 2007
May 17 2007

Joe Fain text messages with Candace Faber

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Joe Fain meets Candace Faber and her grad school friends at bar

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May 18 2007
May 19 2007

Joe Fain allegedly rapes Candace Faber

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Candace Faber gives her dress to her mom to mend

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May 19 2007
Oct 1 2008

Joe Fain emails Candace Faber

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Candace Faber tells her mother she was raped on her graduation night

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Jan 31 2009
Jan 31 2012

Candace Faber first writes her account of what happened

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Candace Faber emails her personal story to former Georgetown professor

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Jan 31 2013
Mar 31 2015

Candace Faber names her rapist to friends

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Candace Faber names her rapist to her parents

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Sep 30 2016
May 31 2017

Candace Faber emails UW colleagues naming Fain as her rapist & asking them to shield her from interactions with Fain

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Candace Faber names Fain as her rapist publicly

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Sep 27 2018
Sep 28 2018

Joe Fain denies allegation

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Approval of investigation into Fain’s rape allegation

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Nov 8 2018
Dec 4 2018

Investigation process shut down by Republican caucus after Fain loses election

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Bellevue Chamber of Commerce hires Fain as CEO

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Feb 14 2019
Jan 15 2021

Sen. Braun appoints Joe Fain to Redistricting Commission

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